Tuesday, May 18, 2010

FINAL BLOG post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my final blog post of the year! I didn't really enjoy blogging. The reason I didn't really enjoy blogging is because it seemed like no one looks at my blog. Also, the posts have to be perfect. On the other hand I liked the picture posts because Photoshop was mostly the pictures that we posted.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cool Lines project!!!!

This is the cool lines project on Photoshop that I made. It is Joey Cordova doing a no handed back flip. Although it looks like he is going to snap his neck he will probably land it.

Feild Trip

If I could take a class on a field trip, I would take them to the Denver museum. Although I have been there 3 million times, I still love to look around the exhibits. My favorite exhibit is the rock and gems one. In the rocks and gems exhibit there is every rock from dirt to diamonds. I think it would be a very educational field trip because there is science, history, and hands on activites.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Popular, organized,acomplishing

The most important to me would be accomplishing. If you accomplish stuff you can be organized. Popularity is not a very important thing because if your popular you can not focus. I think that some people are to organized and mess things up. Accomplishing is defiantly the most important to me.


The least important to me would be fame. If you have power you have money and fame.
Because power full people are rich. Why would you need fame when your loaded. I would not need money because you'd already be rich.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Top 3 careers

1. US Marine sniper. I'm really good at shooting for instance I go hunting every year and I'm a great shot.

2. US Army private. I have great dedication and I am good with guns.

3. Pyrotechnic. I love blowing stuff up and I could be safe with explosives. I'm good at fusing bombs too.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rainbow Zebra

Behold the rainbow zebra. This is the color changing Photoshop project. It took a while but it was super fun.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Time Machine!!!!

I f I could go back in time I would want to live in the 1880's. If you don't know what was going on at the time it was cowboys and Indians. I would pick this time period because: no traffic, no struggling economy, and you wouldn't have two worry about the ozone layer. The events I would love two see would be the gun slinging and the train robberies. I would wear normal outlaw clothes. My hobby in this time period would be a bank robber/ train robber. I would also be best friends with Jesse James. I know it sounds like a harsh life style but all outlaws are rich. If I could take some thing with me it would be food recipes. I probably wouldn't have to rob banks and trains if I had a awesome restraint.

Monday, April 12, 2010

would you rather?

Would you rather ride in a tight crate for a 13 hour plane ride or ride in the back of a truck with cows for a two day road trip. I would rather ride in a tight crate. Because the cows would be smelly and gross. The crate would be clean and there wouldn't be poop everywhere.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The worst injury I've ever had.

I haven't had that many injuries, but they always seem to be small and hurt really bad. One of them was when I was ten. I was the last one out of my grandmas car and when I slammed the door my backpack bumped my hand and my left pointer finger was slammed in the door. The car was locked and I couldn't pull my finger out. Eventually my grandma saw me and unlocked the door. I learned a lot because the bones in my finger got fractured.

Monday, March 22, 2010


1. Fly a B-2 Stealth bomber
2. Crash google.com
3. Shoot a 50 cal sniper rifle
4.See a unicorn
5.Shoot a trophy elk
6. Shoot a trophy deer
7. Crash a sports car
8.Break the sound barrier
9. Go 200 mph on a tricycle
10. Finish the war in Iraq


If I could change one thing about myself and not physical. I would change that I didn't back talk so much. Probably 95% of the time I get in trouble for back talking. I try not to but its like I cant say something else. My parents say sometimes that i should become a lawyer.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


This evil rabbit escaped from a insane asylum and is now using this method. He first attracts people to him, then they get close, then he eats them! Just kidding I made this caption in Photoshop. Its pretty easy but its hard to come up with a caption.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I am reading a really good book right now it is called "War Torn Skies". It is about a 19 year old kid who flys a B-24 Bommer in WWII. In the book so far/pg 45 him and this guy Dan are on a mission to bomb A Nazi ball bearing factory so that tanks cant roll and planes cant be made. They were hit in a dog fight and there 10 man crew hopped out of the plane. The pilots leg got hit by a sharde of metal but I think he's ok.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Saving Money

I don't really pay that much attention to the economy but lately my parents have been a little more stressed out. I have also been noticing our family trying to be a little more conservative with money. We have been doing the following; buying less not useful stuff, my mom is now limiting my brother to 5 minutes in the shower instead of 45, i'm pretty good about turning lights off when I leave the room. Those are the basic things we do to save money.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Camel Digestion

These poor poor camels had some bad Mexican food last night. They are now searching for a special herb called flagnogerburgerdsfgsdf. This root works as a diarrhea antidote. These animals did not make it, they died. One last thing, I made this in Photoshop.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


My favorite book when I was little was "Go Dog Go" by Dr. Seuss. I loved it so much that every night I would read it with my dad. I probably read that book 60 times. It took me a while to read it all by myself but I got it. It was also Dr.Seuss's birthday this week.

DAD Blog

Today I am going to dedicate this blog to my dad he is great and awesome. What I like about my dad:
  1. He is very disciplinary.
  2. I also admire that he is so hard working.
  3. If he messes up on something he will redo it until he gets it right.
  4. He always likes to help people.

These are all the things I admire about my dad. I'm sure there are probably other things but I cant think of anything else right now.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


This is a warhol picture that I made in Photoshop. It is extremely fun to do. If you have adobe photo editor or adobe Photoshop then you can do this to.

Friday, February 26, 2010


I think there still should be strict gun laws but not super strict. I think you should have to still have a special permit to own a fully automatic gun. People are thinking about banning guns permanently but the military will still have theirs. I am a huge hunter and gun lover so if I had all of my guns token away I would go ballistic. Guns laws are good but people still should be able to have them.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Top 10 favorite sites

These are the top ten websites I use and pretty much my favorite websites.

1.) www.facebook.com Pretty much all I do when I have free time on my laptop is facebook.

2.)www.youtube.com When I am bored and am looking for something funny or awesome I get on this website.

3.)http://www.craigslist.org/about/sites This is were I go when I am looking for something cheap and cool.

4.)http://armourgames.com/ This site is usually what I do on my laptop when we are on road trips.

5.)http://www.gamestop.com/ This site is were I order games if I don't have time to drive there and get something.

6.)steampowered.com This is a PC game shopping website were you can buy a game then download it.

7.) http://www.yahoo.com/ This is where I go for the weather report and my email.

8.) http://cheatplanet.com/ This is were I go to get cheat codes for games.

8.)http://www.blogger.com This is the website I'm on right now. I use it every other day.

9.)http://gamefudge.com This is another gaming website I am a fan of.

10.)http://www.software.com/ This is the website were I go to find new software to buy.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Photoshop project

I made this picture in Photoshop. It is not very hard to do you just have to have a big imagination. I took me a while to think of something to do though.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Photoshop van

I made this van in Photoshop. I started with a silver van and turned it in to a hippie mobille. I will have this van some day.

Bluring sponge bob

I learned how to blur peoples faces in Photoshop. Sponge Bob is now blocking his identety because some one stole his ID. Now Seaweed Bob is now taking over his show.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This weekend I did absolutely nothing. I drove all the way in the middle of no where to go to lacrosse practice and my team wasn't even there out on the field. I soon found out that they were in the gym. My dad wasn't very jolly.

I adore all the holidays including Valentine's day. The only reason I like is because my parents always buy a junk load of chocolate and we buy cup cakes that are deliciouseoso

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I BUBINATOR am about to begin the biggest debate in world history. Remember if a giant war breaks out about which game is the best A.K.A. (THE DOG) Modern Warfare 2 or Halo 3 you saw it here first.

Modern Warfare 2 is a modern war game were the goal is to take down terrorists and fight your way through the levels.

awesomeness: super sick online gaming
awesome campaign
super duper awesome guns
customize own gun

Not so awesomeness: campaign is not very long
hard to level up online

Halo 3 is a future war game. You are a cheif in a really cool power suite and you are against the aliens and the infected people.

awesomeness: awesome campaign
really cool guns
customize own guy

Not so awesomeness: online gaming kind of boring
levels get really old

If I had to debate about which is better it would be Modern Warfare 2 not because it is brand new but because the guns are way cooler and you can get care packages.

Friday, February 5, 2010


This is an awesome Photoshop picture I did. This is my first picture on my blog. I thought it was really cool.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Super power

Super powers
If I could have a super power it would be to control time. I would use it for good. I could pause time, rewind time, fast forward, and even make it slow motion. I would go around to every huge disaster rewind the time there and warn all of the people. First I would become a cop so people didn’t think I was some psychotic whack job. I would also pause time and punch Osama Binladin and Sadam osane in the face 195 times until my knuckles fell off and my arm was purple sore.


Welcome to my blog. If you think you have the coolest blog, well then your wrong cause your on mine. I will be talking about every thing from subjects to pictures.